Cupcake Arcade Corp-

U.S. C is a non profit organization committed to online academics and community-based youth and young adult services providing:


Online Nutritional advice and assessment.

Afterschool Dinner

Afterschool Dinner delivery service in selected counties in Georgia and California.


Online wellness guidance.


Math and Memory Computations, 5,6 & 7 grades, All Grades English Composition and Spanish I & II

Collaboration with AACSB

Collaboration with AACSB accredited 4-year Universities/ Ivy League colleges and counselors to assist and advise students on college entry requirements and high school curriculum courses.

Ivy League Track to Colllege


2 hr

Math, English & Annotation

Monday, Wednesday & Friday tutoring

Afterschool tutoring with Dinner delivery


1.5 hr

Math or English & Annotation

Monday & Wednesday tutoring

Afterschool tutoring with Dinner delivery


1 hr

Math, English & Annotation

Any calendar day scheduling tutoring

Afterschool Tutoring without dinner


1 hr

Math, English, Spanish Annotation

Any calendar day scheduling tutoring

Afterschool tutoring with Dinner delivery


1 hr

English, Spanish, Annotation

Any calendar day scheduling tutoring

Afterschool Tutoring without dinner




English, Spanish, Annotation Wellness care advise for vitamin enriched foods and recommended over-the- counter meds for faster recovery of various illments.

Provided via Chabot on Skype or WhatsApp

Dinner is not available through this service




Discussions relating to diet and healthy foods for better health and nutrition.

Provided via Chabot on Skype or WhatsApp

Dinner is not available through this service

Math Practicum

Students will learn how to calculate multi-digit equations through cognitive memorization where retention and recall exercises are utilized to recap lesson plans and lectures. Primary learning platforms will be reinforced and exaggerated to meet and surpass traditional goal-based outcomes. Our milestones are designed for student to master core curriculum learning and cognition development through our structured mathematical and memory training techniques. Students will develop logical methodologies to consistently enhance their academic skillset to promote advanced learning outcomes

English Composition

Students will learn how to write creativity under timed restraints to best prepare them for aptitude testing. Coursework will also include concise word usage with engaging content to attract a reading audience. Expected outcomes will be for students to master a logical and organized flow in their writing abilities whether creative freestyle writing or research oriented.


Coursework will involve writing and rewriting structured and concise sentences with paragraphs and bullet-points to highlight key lecture notes for ready to use study guides. Our annotation methods will best represent students understanding of the lecture and increase recall for test preparation

Spanish (Conversational & Grammar)

Foreign language studies will emphasize proper spoken grammar and writing skills consistent with core academic requirements for college entry and dialog for bilingual career paths. Students will learn basic discussions in Spanish and Spanish translation techniques. Students will be given scenarios for discussion and Spanish writing competency

Please visit our blog and website at Cupcakearcade USC for more details on our “About Us” page [email protected]